Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Two and a half men
This photo was taken on my iPhone at Perisher ski resort, I adjusted contrast, saturation and effects using Photoshop Mobile. The guys in the photo are two important male figures in this stage of my life, the one on the left is Gavin, he is a very close friend of mine and he has helped me through the darkest stage of my life and he doesn't even know it. The guy on the right is Dean, my boyfriend, this would have been about two days after we made it official that we were 'an item', he seams to be in the center of my attention lately, I can definitely say that I have strong feelings for him, I just don't feel right saying 'love' at such an early stage in our relationship, but what difference is a word when I feel what that word describes, besides, whats the point in being in a relationship if you don't love them?
Body Of Work - Progress Report: Satisfaction Colour

This is my second piece from the colour collection of my body of work, again pencil on cardboard, sky blue crayola pencil. Later along the journey I found a way to deal with the stresses of HSC and I became satisfied with myself at how far I have come despite the troubles I have been through and was currently going through. Blue to me symbolizes mellow and deep thought emotions, which I have conveyed through exploring this emotion in the detail medium of pencil rather than a wild medium such as ink.
Body Of Work - Progress Report: Anger Colour

This is one of the pieces from the colour collection for my body of work, I currently have four, this is not a current picture as this piece has been completed. This has been drawn with a crimson crayola pencil on cardboard, it explores me through my anger stage in pencil medium to achieve a detailed account of emotions and perspectives. Anger has been the main emotion in the early stage of my journey hence why it is the only complete piece I have.
Mind The Gap
Drawn on the back of a train ticket, first of the series I have started. Originally came out of the need to create when I was knee deep in math study, so I thought why not put all these train tickets I have collected to use, imagine how many train tickets get wasted everyday, might as well use them for creative purposes
Body Of Work - Progress Report: Joy
Body Of Work - Progress Report: Center Piece
These are the two center pieces for my body of work, for those of you that do not know what a body of work is, it is the major work that is required for completion of visual arts course for last year secondary education students, it is very crucial as it will be the judgment point of whether I get a high enough mark to get into the university course I wish to do. The concept behind my work is my emotional journey through my completion of the HSC course, it is exploring me through different perspectives, emotions and medium. The figure on the left is me in my early stages of the HSC course, when I was fueled with hate and anger, the figure on the left is me now, happy and full of joy and satisfaction.
The two figures are larger than life scale, full dimensions should be up soon, the faces are drawn in a black India ink 0.5mm pen which I have adopted as my signature pen. The hair is made up from small excerpts of blog posts from my 'iBen - That's me' blog which I have stained with a watered down sepia ink for the figure on the left and a mixture of sepia and brick red ink for the figure on the right. The body was originally drawn in pencil then outlined with black India ink and stick to paint it on, a high water concentrated ink mixture was used to paint the body, slightly increasing the ink ratio for darker spots and then later worked back into with the black India ink and stick to define and add detail. Early plans for the background were to print black and white ink stamps which I had made from empty pill packets and sponges, I haven't gone through with this because it didn't achieve the look i needed, it looked as though I was making an excuse to fill empty space. My future plans for the background is to build a silk screen big enough so that I can put a block red arch floating behind the figure on the left and a yellow arch for the figure on the right. The cardboard I have used is heavy-duty cardboard called stonehenge as I remember, if not I'll be sure to correct
Tattoo design
I have been contemplating getting a tattoo on my hand, many the thumb area and this is just a design I have come up with, since then I have expanded onto it
Expanded tattoo design
This is the expanded tattoo design, I added a few different patterns to see which ones I liked. It's just experimental stuff, eventually I will find a pattern I like and by that time I would has probably talked myself out of a tattoo
Photo was taken at Windang island, a small island that shouldn't technically be called an island since you can walk there on low tide but who am I to judge. I never knew the place existed until my boyfriend took me there, he hates being close to the edge so I thought it would be funny to sit off the edge of the cliff, didn't realize how high and beautiful the site was until I was sitting there, inches away from falling off. I think of the concept of control when I see this picture, I see that in this situation I am in control, I have the choice to fall off or not, but when you think about it, the choice is to not fall off, so is it really control when the only choice you choose is to not fall off, and if you chose to fall then that proves you're in control of your actions, but your mind is certainly not in control. It's a have your cake and eat it too